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Bahrain This Month: Celebrating Bahraini Women’s Day

Aurora50 In the media - screenshot of Bahrain This Month (December 2022 issue) - Bahraini Women's Day feature with Diana Wilde comment
Suzanne Locke 7 December 2022
Aurora50’s Diana Wilde commented in a feature in Bahrain This Month by Eman Deabil for Bahraini Women’s Day, looking at achievements for women at work in Bahrain.
Ms Wilde said: “The theme for this year’s Bahraini Women’s Day is ‘Read – Learned – Participated’ and we can see that this is being enthusiastically adopted.
“Bahrain now insists on equal pay for work of equal value, regardless of gender. This has seen it leap 18 places up the World Bank’s international Women, Business and the Law index this year. Worldwide, it has made the most progress on the index’s pay indicator.
“Like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain has also eliminated restrictions on women working in jobs previously considered dangerous for them. And the Supreme Council has mandated Equal Opportunity Committees at all Bahraini public- and private-sector organisations.
“As we celebrate the women of Bahrain today, the progress in gender equity at work is clear. Aurora50 believes that organisations will thrive if they champion diversity at all levels – from the board and senior leadership to the newest recruits.
“The phenomenal changes made to offer equal opportunities and pay in Bahrain this year will help both women and the companies they work for to thrive.”

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