The number of women on the boards of listed UAE companies has grown 200 percent since 2021, the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) has announced.
IPOs mean more women on boards: the UAE’s leading IPOs in 2025 will be Etihad on ADX and Dubizzle, probably on DFM.
2024: a year filled with remarkable events and initiatives that have left a lasting impact for Aurora50.
Dr Fatma Ridene of M42 promotes the inclusion of people of determination in her team – such as typist Mariam Bint Jaber, who uses her feet to type.
Inspiring interviews with Noura Farag, Aarti Shah, Marco Giovannoli, Nadi Choueiri and Ahmed Mehaya at Aurora50’s Inclusive Workplaces on finding fulfilling work.
Speakers at Arora50’s Inclusive Workplaces Summit – including HE Hessa Abdulrahman Tahlak and HE Abdulla Al Humaidan – say the UAE is on a journey to inclusion.
Education experts stress the importance of tailored learning and skill development programmes to open doors during Aurora50’s inaugural Inclusive Workplaces Summit.
Plan to make 2024 inclusive with this free calendar that maps significant inclusion holidays, both in the GCC and internationally, month by month.